

San Diego Child Physicians

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string(2453) "SELECT DISTINCT wp_physdir_doctors.id as id, wp_physdir_doctors.fname as fname, wp_physdir_doctors.lname as lname, wp_physdir_doctors.title as title, wp_physdir_doctors.sex as sex, wp_physdir_doctors.org as org, wp_physdir_doctors.orgurl as orgurl, wp_physdir_doctors.profstmt as profstmt, wp_physdir_doctors.photo as photo, wp_physdir_doctors.cv as cv, wp_physdir_doctors.grp as grp, wp_physdir_doctors.langs as langs, wp_physdir_doctors.specs as specs, wp_physdir_doctors.expert as expert, wp_physdir_doctors.brdcrts as brdcrts, wp_physdir_doctors.medsch as medsch, wp_physdir_doctors.res as res, wp_physdir_doctors.intrn as intrn, wp_physdir_doctors.training as training, wp_physdir_locations.id as location_id, wp_physdir_locations.addr as addr, wp_physdir_locations.addr2 as addr2, wp_physdir_locations.city as city, wp_physdir_locations.state as state, wp_physdir_locations.zip as zip, wp_physdir_locations.phone as phone, wp_physdir_locations.fax as fax, wp_physdir_locations.hrs as hrs, wp_physdir_locations.lat as lat, wp_physdir_locations.lng as lng, wp_physdir_locations.region as region, wp_physdir_locations.office as office, wp_physdir_locations.physid as physid FROM wp_physdir_doctors INNER JOIN wp_physdir_locations ON wp_physdir_doctors.id = wp_physdir_locations.physid WHERE wp_physdir_doctors.lname LIKE "%Friedman%" OR wp_physdir_doctors.fname LIKE "%Friedman%" OR wp_physdir_doctors.lname LIKE "%Friedman%""

Search Results

Viewing 1-1 of 1 doctors found.

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Personal Statement:

“I have enjoyed caring for children both in the urgent care and primary care settings. Being a parent myself, I have learned so much that helps me guide my patients and their families. My biggest interests are encouraging breastfeeding and literacy.”

Jaime Friedman MD, FAAP
16918 Dove Canyon Road
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: (858) 924-1960
Fax: (858) 924-1964
Click For Driving Directions
Location Region: North Inland
Medical School: University of Maryland School of Medicine
Internship: Oregon Health & Science University
Residency: Oregon Health & Science University
Board Certifications: Pediatrics, Primary Care Pediatrics
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