


Notice of Accreditation Survey

January 4, 2024

CPCMG has voluntarily requested an accreditation survey as a means of having a third-party review of the entire organization to build upon strengths or identify opportunities to improve its delivery of safe, high-quality health care. The survey will evaluate the organization’s compliance with AAAHC Standards for ambulatory health care organizations and to determine if accreditation should be awarded to, or retained by, this organization. Survey is scheduled on February 21 to February 23, 2024.

Members of the general public, patients, and individuals on the staff of this organization, believing that they have relevant and valid information about this organization’s provision of health care or compliance with AAAHC Standards, may request to present this information to AAAHC surveyors at the time of the survey or may communicate such information in writing or by telephone to the AAAHC office. Please click on the link for more information.

VACCINES: What you need to know

November 1, 2023

Please check back for more information about CPCMG’s COVID, flu and RSV vaccine clinics.