Meet Dr. Adrienne Lostetter

A Texas native, this CPCMG pediatrician has moved 14 times with her military family, enjoys staying physically active with her family and loves watching her young patients grow into young adults. Meet Dr. Adrienne Lostetter, pediatrician at CPCMG Gateway in Poway.
How long have you worked at the CPCMG Gateway office?
I have been at this office for six months but have been with CPCMG for two-and-a-half years (I was at Children’s Way for two years).
Where did you grow up? If you didn’t grow up in the San Diego area, what brought you to southern California?
I am from Arlington, Texas and went school in Austin at the University of Texas. I have moved 14 times with the military including a one year assignment overseas in Israel. My husband grew up here so when he retired we came back “home” – who wouldn’t want to live in sunny San Diego!
Why did you decide to become a pediatrician? What attracted you to pediatrics? Did you consider other specialties?
I love working with kids – they make work fun! I considered OB/GYN but realized that after I delivered the babies, I was more drawn to taking care of them. General pediatrics is great because you work with the specialists to help your patients.
What do you enjoy most about working with children, parents and families?
It is very rewarding to see kids grow and develop into young adults and know you helped them and their parents along the way.
What is some important life advice (beyond what you learned in medical school) that you can give to parents for their children?
Spend as much time with your kids when they are young! They grow up fast and are off to college before you know it – they want you to notice them and play with them, even as teenagers.
Tell us about your family. Do you have children? What do you like to do as a family?
I have a very active family with my husband and three kids (ages 13, 16 and an 18-year-old who is in college). We love to hike, go to the beach, play volleyball; all the kids are in sports which keeps us very busy. I love the outdoor life you can have in San Diego.
How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle? Any tips to share?
Keeping up with my kids is what keeps me in shape. They push me to be more active on weekends. Also, making sure my kids have healthy food choices makes me have healthy foods as well. They will do as they see so give them a good role model.
What are your favorite pastimes/hobbies? What else do you like to do in your spare time? Do you volunteer in your community?
I volunteer for my kids sports teams and I am on the Grad Nite planning committee at our kids’ high school. I stay involved in activities at my church, St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Poway. Mostly I try to spend as much time with my family as I can.