

Health News

Bedtime routine

5 Things to Do to Get Your Child’s Sleep Back on Track

Summer is winding down and soon it will be time to get back to school (some districts are already back in session). The late nights of watching movies, playing video

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National Trails Day: June 4, 2022

If you’re a fan of hiking, biking, horseback riding, walking your dog, then you probably know that tomorrow, June 4th is National Trails Day! The American Hiking Society established this

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FOR CHILDREN AGES 12 TO 18: What to Expect at the Yearly Wellness Exam

Adolescence is a time of growth and change, both physically and mentally. Annual well exams are vital in this age group to not only monitor their health, but also their

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FOR CHILDREN AGES 6 TO 11: What to Expect at the Yearly Wellness Exam

School-aged children are able to take part in their visit and answer questions about nutrition, school, and safety. 1. The annual wellness exam focuses on your child’s overall health, growth

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FOR CHILDREN AGES 3 TO 5: What to Expect at the Yearly Wellness Exam

Children ages 3-5 are fun, curious, and able to take part in their visit. They may need forms filled out to enter preschool or kindergarten so please bring these with

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FOR BABIES & CHILDREN UP TO TWO: What to Expect at the Yearly Wellness Exam

Children in this age range have frequent well checks to monitor growth and development, as well as overall health. Here are five age specific expectations and tips for a smooth

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8 things to consider when choosing a summer camp

Now that the clocks have moved forward an hour, longer days and warmer weather are just around the corner. Even though most kids are focused on spring break, this is

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Three tips to create a healthy home environment

March is National Nutrition Month and CPCMG is here support your family in developing healthy nutrition habits. We know life is busy but starting with small and simple changes can

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Reading, the Road to Success

What’s the one skill that can help your child succeed in the future? The ability to READ! CPCMG is passionate about literacy, knowing that the ability to read is the

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